Make it Monday: Cloud Storage

One of the most terrifying things that a photographer can experience is to loose his or her photos from a computer or a hard drive crashing.  One of the best ways to prevent such a disaster is to backup your files online, which is referred to as "cloud storage".  There are many cloud storage options to choose from although the ones that I would recommend would be Google Drive,, iCloud or Livedrive.   
NEC's Cloud Solution: Solutions & Services
The first thing to note about online storage is that each option will give you a certain amount of storage and if you want more space, a monthly fee will apply.  Some photographers are discouraged by a monthly fee although, if you weigh the benefits of cloud storage, the fee might be worth it and chances are good that it's also tax-deductible if you're running your own freelance business. Let's take a peak at each of these options: 
If you have a Gmail Account, you have access to "Google Drive". This is an internet hosting service provided by Google.  Not only do you have the option for cloud storage but you can also share your files with classmates, co-workers, and/or clients.  The files that you chose to share on your Google Drive can also be edited collaboratively.  Let's say that you want to upload a paper that you wrote for your Photo History class; you can then share that paper with someone to have them proof read it.  Or perhaps would like to use Google Drive to share a photography contract with a client; your client will be able to access the contract, sign it and send it back to you electronically.  One's Google Drive allows for 15GB of online storage for free although, you have the option to increase your storage to 100GB for a monthly fee of $4.99 a month; not a bad price, eh?  As a photographer, 100GB of space is good - but - it could be used up quickly.  Google Drive gives their clients the option to increase the storage all the way up to 16TB for a higher monthly fee., or more commonly known as simply "Dropbox", is a similar cloud storage device.  When you sign up for Dropbox, you can create a special "Dropbox" folder on your computer to hold your school papers, client's contracts and/or photographs in.  Once the files are placed into the folder, automatically synchronizes that folder with your online account.  This gives you the option to access the files within that folder from any computer.  If your computer crashes or your hard drive is lost, your files are safe and secure within your Dropbox account.  You can also access the files within your Dropbox folder or account on your smart phone or tablet.  When you sign up for, you're automatically given 2GB of storage for free.  There is also an option to sign up for the "Pro" plan: 100GB = $9.99/mo; 200GB = $16.60/mo; 500GB = $41.60/mo.  

If you own an Apple device, chances are good that someone has already asked you: "have you backed up to the Cloud yet".  Known as the "iCloud", this option not only offers online storage but it also allows for clients to backup and restore his or her device.  For example, if one of your Apple devices crashes, is lost or stolen, iCloud would be able to retrieve the settings, data, photos, videos, app data, messages, e-mails, contacts, calendar information, ringtones, and visual voicemails.  I mainly use iCloud to backup all of the photos and videos that I've taken with my iPhone; a device which is vital to my business.  Each iCloud account comes with 5GB of free storage and naturally, more space can be purchased in tiers of 10, 20, or 50GB.  As of now, clients are not able to purchase more than 50GB of space. 

"Livedrive" is a program which allows you to automatically back up your files online. This system is fast, secure and easy to use.  Once you've backed up your files online, you're able to not only view them on your computer but you can also view them on your iPhone, iPad and/or Android, similar to the other options above.  The main difference with Livedrive is that the storage space is unlimited.  Considering this, Livedrive's prices are very reasonable, in my opinion.  There are a few different packages to choose from with Livedrive: the "Backup", the "Briefcase" and the "Pro Suite" starting at $6 a month; click here for more details on the pricing of these three packages. 

Keep in mind, you might not want to pick just one of these options.  It might be a good idea to look into all of these options for cloud storage.  Personally, I use my Google Drive for paperwork, my Dropbox for both paperwork and photos, my iCloud for the photos on my phone and Livedrive to back up all of my freelance photography work.  What option will be the right choice for you? 
01. "Cloud Storage & Unlimited Online Backup." Livedrive. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Sept. 2013.
02. "ICloud." ICloud. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Sept. 2013.
03. "Google Drive." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 22 Sept. 2013. Web. 22 Sept. 2013.
04. "Dropbox (service)." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 21 Sept. 2013. Web. 22 Sept. 2013.
05. "NEC Cloud Storage." : NEC's Cloud Solution: Solutions & Services. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2016.


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