Website Wednesday: TED Talks on Photography

Allen Murabayashi, blog writer for PetaPixel, wrote an article this week that discussed eleven different TED Talks given by photographers.  If you're unfamiliar with "TED Talks", this is the time to get familiar!  Essentially, a TED Talk is a lecture given to a live audience on any different topic.  The speakers of TED Talks are the "best of the best" in their field and viewers often develop deep inspiration from listening.  Murabyashi gathered eleven talks given by Anastasia Taylor-Lind, Rick Guidotti, Iwan Baan, Aaron Huey, James Nachtwey, Frans Lanting, Stacey Baker and Alec Soth, Camille Seaman, Paul Nicklen, SebastiĆ£o Salgado, and Mac Stone.  Each of these photographers specialize in different genres - yet they have something in common: passion.  Let's take a closer look at Aaron Huey's sixteen minute lecture about his photographs taken of the Lakota Indians.  Murabayshi writes, "National Geographic contributing photographer Aaron Huey worked amongst the Lakota for over 5 years to document the poverty that resulted from the imprisonment of the Native people by the United States government" (web). 

To see all eleven of these videos on Murabayshi's article in PetaPixel, click "here".

Murabayashi, Allen. "11 TED Talks on Photography Worth Watching." PetaPixel RSS. N.p., 04 Jan. 2016. Web. 06 Jan. 2016. 
"TED: Ideas worth Spreading." TED: Ideas worth Spreading. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Jan. 2016.


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