Make it Monday: "Women in Technology" - Adobe Scholarship

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Adobe is offering a huge scholarship to female students working in technology! As noted on their site, "Here at Adobe Research we create innovative technologies for our software products to better serve consumers, creative professionals, developers, and enterprises. We bring together the smartest, most driven people we can find, and we give them the freedom to nurture their intellectual curiosity, while providing them the necessary resources and support to shape their ideas into tangible results.  One part of creating the best products is bringing a diverse group of people together. To bring more gender diversity to the technology industry, we are pleased to invite applications to the inaugural Adobe Research Women-in-Technology Scholarship. The Adobe Research Women-in-Technology Scholarship recognizes outstanding undergraduate female students anywhere in the world who are studying computer science" The Adobe Research Women-in-Technology Scholarship includes:

A $10,000 Award Paid Once with no Strings Attached
A Creative Cloud Subscription Membership for One Year
An Adobe Research Mentor
An Internship Opportunity at Adobe for the 2016 Summer

Applications are due December 31st, 2015. A committee of Adobe researchers will review all applicants and choose up to ten recipients at their discretion. Recipients are selected based on their academic record, a personal statement, and three letters of reference. Students may be invited for phone interviews following the initial review.  Click on the link below for details: 


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