Welcome back to the "Pho·tog Friday" series featuring, Lauren Lemon! If you missed "Part I" and "Part II" of this series, be sure to take a look at those posts! Let's take a peak at one of Lauren Lemon's commercial projects. She was asked by Acura to take one of their newest models, the 2015 TLX, for a little spin. The name of Lemon's freelance gig for Acura: "Thrill Adventure"! Given that Lemon lives in LA, she is close by many different types of landscapes: mountains, desserts, beaches, etc. Instead of Lemon choosing one location to test drive the TLX, she drove to many different places - friends in tow!
Lemon, Lauren from Thrill Adventure, 2014. |
Lemon, Lauren from Thrill Adventure, 2014. |
So the question becomes - why does Acura want Lauren Lemon's photos? Well, Acura was running a sweepstakes! Lemon's photographs are used as promotional images to let folks know about how they can enter in their own "Thrill Adventure" for a chance to win! To read more about Lemon's ride in the Acura, click "here".
Lemon, Lauren. Lauren Lemon. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Oct. 2014.