Founded in 2010 by two photographers who met online, Karlen Kleinkopf and Laura Thomas, Rock the Shot is an online photography forum. Rock the Shot or simply known as RTS, refers to themselves as more than just a forum, RTS is an online community! This could not be more true!
The downside to this forum is that it is not free; you have to pay for membership: 3 month ($18), 6 month ($30), 1 year ($50) or lifetime ($175). For details on how to join, click "here". The saying "the best things in life are free"... well, that saying semi applies to this photography forum; there is a lot of free information in this forum but some of it is only available to members. Rock the Shot is by far one of the best and... for all the information that you'll get out of the forum, fifty bucks a year is not a bad deal.

When you first join the forum, you'll notice that there's a "Welcome" section where you can introduce yourself and check out RTS' news and announcements. The forum is broken down into different sections. "Rock the Shot Business Channel" is run by Elizabeth Halford, who is also known for her blog titled "In Real English'. Halford has lead webisodes that cover how to use Facebook for your business and how to build your portfolio. She also has lectured on how to deal with friends and money - a tricky (and usually unavoidable) situation for any photographer.
"Rock Your Photography" is a great section of the forum that teaches different tips and techniques related to shooting and editing your work. Members can get help with their processing and lighting techniques. Critiques are also given in these forums. "Rock Your Biz" teaches members about the business side of photography: customer service, marketing, sales, products and services - it's all in there. "Share Your Rockin Shots" is where member can enter into different photography challenges, which are held every month. "Everything Tech" allows members to learn more about computer hardware and software that are essential to the photographer's process.
Be sure to check Rock the Shot out for yourself!
"Online Photography | Forum | Workshops | Tips | Tutorials | Classes | Business | Courses | School |" Rock the Shot. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2014.