Make It Monday: DIY LED Lighting in the Studio

Alex Koloskov's video titled "DIY LED Lighting for Studio Photography: What You Can Do with $30 LED Bulbs" was recently featured on PetaPixel's website.  In this video, Koloskov goes over every detail on how to set up an affordable lighting set-up in your home studio. 

Of course, there's a little bit of irony in Koloskov's video... the camera that he's shooting with is a medium format camera... which costs slightly more than the thirty dollar bulbs.  That being said, one can learn a great deal from Koloskov's video regardless of using the $30 bulbs or "regular" tungsten bulbs. 

This is not the only video Koloskov plans to create on this topic; it's a series! Be sure to check out Photigy's website and sign up to receive updates on new videos by clicking on the link below: 


01. Koloskov, Alex. "DIY LED Lighting for Studio Photography: What You Can Do with $30 LED Bulbs." Photigy. N.p., 11 Feb. 2014. Web. 17 Feb. 2014.
02. Koloskov, Alex. "DIY LED Lighting for Studio Photography: What You Can Do with $30 LED Bulbs." YouTube. Photigy, 11 Feb. 2014. Web. 17 Feb. 2014.
03. Cade, DL. "How to Use $30 Dimmable LED Bulbs to Get Into Studio Still Life Photography for Cheap." PetaPixel. N.p., 17 Feb. 2014. Web. 17 Feb. 2014.


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February 18, 2014 at 9:38 AM delete

Ha, ha! I really liked your comment about the $30 bulbs! Given the camera, you think he would spring for some top notch lighting!



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