You might be thinking, "An app? What? As a professional photographer, I only shoot with my DSLR". If you own a smart phone, your next thought might be: "Well, I take my serious photos with my DSLR and my fun photos I take with my smart phone". All those who had this thought, raise your hand. My own hand is definitely raised as I've had this same thought many times. When I'm working for a client or when I'm working on a photo essay, I'll shoot with my DLSR. That being said, I do not take my DSLR with me everywhere I go although I'm constantly thinking about my next shot. Most of the time, I find myself using my iPhone for the "fun" photos. Finally, I started to ask myself these questions: "why not make my 'fun' photos look just as awesome as my serious photos?"
There are a ton of apps out there that are geared towards editing photographs. Some of these apps not only allow you to edit the image but also allow you to share the image with family, friends and clients. (Instagram users... I'm lookin' at you!) Snapseed is without a doubt the best editing app currently on the market. Why use the same filter that everyone else is using when you can create your own? Check out the video to the right; this will give you a basic "run down" of the app and what it has to offer.
I would encourage you to download this app and try it out! It's a good way to exercise your "photo eyes"! And... it's free! Click here to learn more about the app.